Linggo, Hunyo 18, 2017

ISTE standards

A. What are the ISTE standards that you possess? Please cite specific personal experiences wherein you portray such standards?

          Based on my experience there are some ISTE standards that i possess. One is being an empowered learner according to ISTE, students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences. As a student i have often use some gadgets in doing my activities, assignments and tasks in school. Such technologies like cellular phones, computers and laptops makes my studying more easy and its way more better convenience to look for any information that i need. In using this kind of stuffs it well make your work more comprehensive and achievable at any given period of time because its way more faster than finding info about a certain topic in a library. Back when i was in my second year in college i was assigned to do a report on our subject in Electricity my instructor instructed me to do it in my own way in any means possible as long as it can be easily done and the resources are convenient and accessible. I was given a one day to prepare everything, thank God we already have these awesome technologies like laptops and the LCD projectors available in our department. So what i did was i make a power point presentation and used a projector in presenting my report and it was so convenient and so easily done, i even have a video presentation about some of the power tools being used in electricity that aren't available in our school but still a very important knowledge to be learned as a BSTTE- IT student.

Basically speaking this technologies drives the students to do more and think more. For me as i have learned about how to use different applications in my cellular phone which enables me to participate in this systematic digital world we live in, it is indeed a very big help to relate every learning i have accumulated in different medias. 

B. As a future teacher, in what ways can you develop these standards among your students?

Students nowadays are far way more dependent to technologies that we have than what i have experienced being a student myself. As a future teacher i need to equipped myself with those up-skilled knowledge in this evolution of technologies. I need to empower myself more and learn more as i journey through this vocation i choose. This calling is indeed needs to prepared in order to achieve those goals in teaching, nurturing and molding those brilliant minds of the students to be more creative and active in participating in their lives experiences. As a future teacher i will set up goals for my teaching career that will help them grow and achieve their goals in life through the use of the developed knowledge of ISTE standards for teachers that i should possess in order to facilitate learning effectively for my students. Through the use of digital tools, i can facilitate and inspire learners creativity by letting them explore real world. As a teacher I can also design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments that will help my students have a room for knowledge construction through the use of digital tools or innovate using a variety of technology, identify and solve problems or create solution through the learning experiences and assessments that I have provided. Like assessing them through online quizzes or asking them to make their own blog. As a teacher to develop these standards to my students I must be a role model when it comes to digital age work and learning. I must be good in handling technology systems in order to teach my students and collaborate with my students using digital tools. 


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